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April, 2009

Jenny & John

Just a few weeks ago, I photographed Jenny, John and their wedding party down by the Tidal Basin as the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. Despite the wind, cold and a little bit of rain, we had a fun morning traipsing around the Mall.

Fast forward to early April and I had the honor of photographing their wedding. I've photographed quite a few Vietnamese ceremonies, and on this day, I was fortunate to witness two separate ceremonies - one at Jenny's parent's house and a second at John and Jenny's house. Family had come from all over with relatives attending from France and Vietnam and it was one of the joyous days centered around family, friends and this wonderful new married couple.

vietnamese wedding photography

vietnamese wedding photography

vietnamese wedding photography

vietnamese wedding photography

vietnamese wedding photography

vietnamese wedding photography

vietnamese wedding photography

vietnamese wedding photography

vietnamese wedding photography

vietnamese wedding photography

vietnamese wedding photography

vietnamese wedding photography

vietnamese wedding photography

vietnamese wedding photography
